Monday, February 22, 2010

One Telanganite words from heart

we are fighting for justice and we have every right to fight for
it ,every religion is based on it , Ramayana Mahabharata are the holy books
based on fighting against injustice. Not fighting against injustice is doing
injustice to our people. More than 300 Telangana students sacrificed there
lives for Telangana it should not go waste we can only stop suicides by
fighting against this politicians and Andhra Industrialist who for there
benefits suppressing our movement……

Telangana region has 4 crore population and if everyone shout at one time
this betrayers of Telangana will die of that sound. Its time to show our
love for our region .

I personally feel guilty for not stopping this suicides and not able get
our freedom , we are leading a slaves life …… in our past we had been
slaves to Britishers ,then to Nawabs and now to this politicians ,who are
changing there colors for there own benefit ….. how long we have to suffer,
this movement is from 30+ years We should ask ourselves what we have done to
get our Telangana. We should and we can bring Hyderabad to stand still
completely bringing down the government and Gov’t offices under pen down by
this we can get our freedom … we where not born when India got freedom but
we have a great chance to fight for freedom of Telangana …..

My heart is bleeding of pain and my every breath I take is carving for

My blood is boiling thinking of the students suffering and suffered in the
hands of brutal police force. This is in human….. police don’t know the
meaning of law and order they are behaving like cruel wild animals …. We
have to support our people we have to support the people who are fighting
for the right cause……. How can we leave our brothers and kids to suffer in
the hands of this cruel animals

We have to raise our voice against it and against everyone who is trying to
suppress our Telangana. Many Telangana freedom fighters are kidnapped by
anti Telangana rowdies and industrialist and kept them isolated no cases
booked against them.

I ask every so called Samakya Andhra leaders who’s motto is Brotherly hood
why you did not raise your voice against Latti charge on students in OU,
this itself shows how brotherly you are……. Your are criminals in the white

I request every Telangana person to protest against misuse of police force
against students and everyone who are raising there voice for freedom of our
motherland….. as I have love for my country I have same love for my
Telangana ….. if having love for India is not a crime then its not a crime
to love Telangana . if fighting against Britisher’s is not a crime then its
not a crime to fight against injustice caused by Andhra and Rayalaseema
leaders who had looted us and are looting us from past 30 years of our jobs
, water, lands and treated us as class 2 citizens Lets wear a black band
and black badges and our vehicles with black flag in protest against police
force ….. lets cover city in black…… Lets join hands with our brother
students lets show them we love them and we are with them in fight against
injustice done to our Telangana .

------ Telangana Freedom Fighters------message from
telangana archives*

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