Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Telangana Message From Yuva Telangana

Integrity with a cause is greater than self - Welcome to the stage of concordant voices endeavoring with intensity to win the lost pride, privileges and prosperity of Telangana.

Telangana - the long lasting saga of a potent land which never saw glee in its very own people, is earnestly craving for the dawn of its due privileges. Telangana has suffered constant injustice, discrimination, rejection, exploitation and is on the verge of extinction of its cultural identity. Richly endowed with resources, yet the land has failed to felicitate the dwelling of common man attributing to the dismal dominance of the Andhra led politics. The authority has deprived the people of their fundamental right of expression. Of all these years, the fear, skepticism and anticipation of the true Telangana people in the past that the land would be exploited has taken its evil shape and is only growing more. Optimism driven by despair, political alienation, socio-economic unevenness have merely erupted the intolerance and frustration from the people of Telangana. The beginning of a revolt.

“ You must be the change you wish to see in this world ” - Mahatma Gandhi

Year 1969, students, legislators, employees and intellectuals have confronted the notion of separatism demanding a separate statehood for Telangana which would be the only solution to put a check to the existing unemployment, hunger and dire poverty. The government availed its evil plot. More than 400 martyrs have been brutally murdered for raising their voice seeking justice. This was the first move which was not given its due importance. Years passed, with each ruling governments varied getting ameliorated by roosting on the sentiments of the people making promises, yet the promises remained unkempt.

Yuva Telangana is formed on the roots of hope, integrity, strength and intellectuality. Yuva Telangana is formed with a notion to achieve all the dreams of the people of Telangana, the land which deserves its own privileges. As a non-profit organization aloof from all political groups, Yuva Telangana strives for the betterment of the people of Telangana in various forms with seperate statehood being only one of them. Yuva Telangana is formed to fight for the lost pride, privileges and prosperity of Telangana. . Please join your able hands with us in marching towards the betterment of Telangana. Every help accounts for the cause.

From Yuva Telangana Group

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