Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Telugu Media is Against Telangana

Dear Telanganites,

It is a known fact that major group of Telugu media is against Telangana

agitation. Mainly TV9, which projects itself as a social champion, is being
exposed as the big culprit in this part. Anybody who is watching TV9 can
easily make out from the way the Telangana agitation is being projected and aired in its telecast. Though it tries to give an impression now and then that it is impartial, it is in fact playing a destructive role in maligning Telangana agitation. Most of us compromise and continue to accept what this channel telecasts, because we feel we do not have proper support in the media and as we do not want to develop friction with the media. But how long can we continue doing this and it is the need of the hour that we boycott this T V for many reasons. Boycott, in the sense doesn't mean that we should not view this TV , but we should raise our voice against its programmes, its presentation and its comments through anchors like Ravi Prakash and Rajnikanth. We should immediately call the channel and express our displeasure against any news which is being shown on TV9 against Telangana, not to spare live shows at all. Callers should target TV9 anchor first rather than the leader who is sitting in the studio and being interviewed. Custodian should always be impartial, not just pretend to be impartial.

1. Why did TV9 telecast the Ads which are against Telangana struggle, if

not for the sake of just money, doesn't this channel has any ethics and morals,
while they project themselves as the social champions-

2. Don't this channel care about the 60 years struggle of Telangana, except for continuing as a mouth piece of Andhra lobby-
3. Should reveal how much TV9 was funded by Raj Gopal for telecasting his news and projecting him as a big leader, is this a continuous affair or
4. Pity TV9 for bringing in leaders like Laxmi Parvati, unidentified and
baseless persons like Venkateshwar Rao of so called Hyderabad bachao
organisation and projecting them as leaders for News Watch programmes and
analysis. What is the interest of TV9 in these kind of acts, is it again the
same equation played with Raj Gopal-
5. Hail TRS leader Jagadishwar Rao for his live comments against TV9 and Rajnikanth for bringing in people from unidentified organisations, more should follow this line.
6. Should we not condemn the over smart comments from Rajnikanth through his tactical presentations.
7. Why not we target TV9 for its telecasts in support of Andhra and hatred
towards to Telangana parties and leaders-
8. How long do we need to wait for our own channel, will it become true in the near future or should we wait longer--
9. Who asked TV9 to hire helicopters to fly over the entire Hyderabad,
except for their interest in spying the students movements and passing on the news to Police instantaneously-
10. Every Telenganite should counter the systamatic and tactical approach of these channels backed up by Rajgopal and Co and save our movement

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