Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dirty politics…by Andhra Politicians about Telangana

Chandrababu says two regions of state Telangana and Seemandhra are his two eyes.

He is very late to give his opinion on the burning issue like state separation. Where did he hide all these days when state is facing a complex issue? Did he lock himself in home?

If he is really worried about two regions, then he would have ordered his party MLAs, MPs and members to keep and maintain silence in both the regions. He did do like that. He allowed his party men in both the regions to go on agitations as they liked. This made the issue still worst and complex. This entire issue became complex because of political parties.

A good leader must be problem solver. When state is burning with issues like Telangana, he would have gathered people, leaders from both the regions to a table and made them discuss their grievances and come to a consensus and solve the problem. But he did not do that, instead he and his party persons behaved like how Congress people did.

Any political person does not want to lose a region, everybody knows it. But this is not the way to do that. He wanted to remain with the both regions of the state at the cost of sufferings of people. He and his party aggravated the situation.

He wants to become a national leader from a big state like AP. If state splits he himself has to adjust for a small region like Seema or Andhra or Seeemandhra. He does not want that. He must become a national leader or atleast king maker so that all his desires become satisfied.

All his desires should be satisfied at the cost of peoples’ sufferings and never mind what people are wanting. He must know that if he neglects a region, whether it is Telangana or Seemandhra, he never would be liked by the people there. So, it becomes difficult or impossible to him to become national leader atleast state leader any more.

A good leader acts as and when a problem arises in the state. But he locked himself in his home for many days and now he came out for announcing both regions are his two eyes….!!!

what a leader we have? We should feel shame of him. When the problem is there, he is going underground and hiding. When situation becomes to normalcy at the hardwork of somebody else, he is coming out and making statements. What a irresponsible way of behaviour he has as a leader. People must realize about the leader like Chandrababu and never make him win in the elections again.

Nation does not want leaders like him….

I expected him to do like this……order his party men to keep silent on the T-issue and ask them in both the region not to resort to any agitations and statements on the issue. Instead ask them to help in gathering people from different regions to discussions near to a table so that he leads the discussion and listens to grievances of all region people and comes to a solution on the issue. But he did not behave so. Very bad….He tried to take advantage out of this burning issue as a saying goes ‘When the Rome is burning Roman King played flute…’

But he may cheat once or twice but not all. But the people are very clever, they will punish him…..

Eventhough it is against Telangana and he betrayed region people, I admire Chiranjeevi’s decision to support Samaikhyandhra. He atleast supported one region, or not for separation. But what Chandrababu and Congress are doing……playing roles in two regions. In one region they are supporting separatists and in the other region they are against the separation… Finally TDP proved that it is nothing short of Congress in dirty politics….and it is nothing separate and similar to Congress.

We should feel ashamed of our leaders in AP, not a single leader is having qualities of a leader any more. Everyone is taking advantage out of people’s sufferings. Only BJP, CPI and CPM are behaving and sticking to their words, whether they support separation or not

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