Wednesday, August 11, 2010

”Is it possible to de-elect a MLA or MP”? of Telangana

I enquired with a few lawyers and referred Supreme Court of India website as well and I confirm to you all Telanganites that it is possible to impeach MLAs/MPs who are not abide by public interest under "Quo Warranto" as per Indian Constitution under violation of fundamental rights.

Thanks to visiory constitutional experts for their foresight. Special thanks & Grand Salute to Late Sri. Dr. BR Ambedkar Garu. I bow my head for his excellence in writing the constitution to safeguard public interests & fundamental rights of Indians.

It is possible under Article 32 in The Constitution Of India 1949

With these constitutional safeguards we, all Telanganites act against politicians who are against people's interest of Telangana Statehood.

Reference Links:

Supreme Court of India Judgements on cases filed under Quo Warranto :


Quo Warranto means “by what warrant or authority”. Quo Warranto writ is issued against the person of public who occupies the public seat without any qualification for the appointment. It is issued to restrain the authority or candidate from discharging the functions of public office. In University of Mysore v. Govinda Rao,12 the Supreme Court observed that the procedure of quo Warrato confers the jurisdiction and authority on the judiciary to control executive action in making the appointments to public offices against the relevant statutory provisions; it also protects a citizen being deprived of public office to which he may have a right.


There are incidents reported on Govt. Officials, but there are no incidents reported on MLAs/MPs.

It will be the first case filed against MLAs/MPs, If we, Telanganites file this case in the Supreme Court of India,.

"It is possible through Indian Constitutional Laws to de-elect an MLA/MP and,impeach MLAs/MPs who are not supporting Telangana State formation and elected from Telangana Region.

It is an intellectual processes, we can take the action on it.

I request Intellectuals, Professionals. Professors, Students, Youth of Telangana to consider this option, if it is legally viable to recall MLAs/MPs as they have failed to adhere to our fundamental rights

1. Right to equality in job share by violating 610 GO,
2. Right to constitutional remedies by opposing and not supporting the public interest for the Telangana Statehood.
3. Freedom of Educational Facilities at our universities/colleges"

source:TAE group

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